Sedation options allow our patients to complete a wider variety of treatments here in our office. Whether for restorative purposes, dental implants, or even oral surgeries, we want every patient to experience the best comfort possible. Our patients can select from nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation treatments. Each type of sedation has different benefits and allows our patients to completely relax while getting the dental care they need.
One of our first priorities in patient care is to ensure your comfort throughout the entire dental visit. Since some of the treatments our patients need are more involved than others, we offer a variety of sedation options for them to choose from.

Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients that:
- Are afraid of the dentist or dental treatment makes them feel anxious
- Are unable to sit for long periods of time
- Want to have all of their treatment completed during one visit
- Need oral surgery, such as a wisdom tooth extraction
- Want to experience the highest level of comfort during their care
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide sedation is easily added onto any dental procedure, including cleanings! The “laughing gas” takes effect within just a few minutes, and creates a relaxed sensation in the patient. The results are completely reversible, allowing you to drive yourself home or back to work after your dental procedure.
Oral Sedation
We offer oral sedation at our office. Oral sedation uses a prescription strength sedative that is given to the patient one hour before their appointment. Most patients report feeling as if they are dreaming, or having a light nap. Our oral sedation patients are able to respond to simple questions, but usually won’t remember anything about their treatment. Patients should have someone escort them to and from their appointment, as the medication can take a few hours to wear off.
IV Sedation
IV sedation is available at our Vaughan location. IV sedation allows the deepest level of safe sedation in our office. The medication takes effect within seconds, and sedation is reversed as soon as the medicine is turned off. Patients that choose IV sedation will not have any awareness of their procedure, making it perfect for people in need of more advanced treatments like oral surgeries. Our IV sedation patients should have someone escort them to and from their appointment.